What the patient needs to know before undergoing the hair transplant procedure?

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What the patient needs to know before undergoing the hair transplant procedure?

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    The hair loss problem is not getting in control and that is why you decided to undergo the hair transplant procedure as soon as possible.

    • The transplant will be done with the hair you have

    The hair transplant procedure is the best way to deal with hair loss problems. Undergoing the procedure has helped many patients to gain back their self-confidence which they lost while going bald. It might look like that doctor does the magic and make your all bald spots go away.

    The hair transplant will be done with the hair you have in the donor area. From the donor site, the hair grafts are taken which are transplanted where hair grafts are very less.

    In case the donor’s hair is less then it is possible that from other body parts the hair will be taken. When you visit the doctor for Hair Transplant in Punjab they will diagnose and evaluate your condition to give you a suitable treatment plan.

    • The procedure gives permanent results

    When the hair grafts are transplanted on the scalp they get into the scalp permanently. Moreover, the hair is taken from the patient’s scalp so the desired results are achieved which means they look natural also. So, getting the treatment is going to prove beneficial to you.

    • Procedure is affordable

    The cost of the procedure in India is affordable as compared to other countries. Getting the treatment in India will save the cost up to 80 percent as compared to Western countries.

    • Always choose a trustworthy surgeon

    You are going to spend your time and money so it is essential that you make every decision carefully. From the start, i.e choosing the surgeon needs proper time. You need to make sure that you search properly about the surgeon and what are the services they are giving. Choosing the skilled and trained surgeon will help you get the desired results which are not possible with other treatment options.

    • Check the reviews

    One of the important things is to check the reviews as it will tell you about their reputation. It means the patient who has already gone through the procedure will be a great help. You should go to their website to see how was their experience and what they have to say about the results.

    • Know more about hair transplant methods

    There are 2 methods FUE (follicular unit extraction) and FUT (follicular unit transaction). Your doctor will let you know what you need to get depending on your problem.

    -In FUE, the hair follicles are taken individually from the scalp back and transplanted where hair growth is very less.

    – In FUT, a strip of hair is taken from the donor area and transplanted where hair growth is very less.


    About The Author

    Dr Vikas Gupta