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Hair Loss Treatment for men and women

Hair Loss Treatment for men and women

Introduction to hair loss

In the modern day era, hair loss misery is becoming almost a trend among men and women worldwide. People have no option left but to part ways with their black, curly, and cute hair locks that once gave the impression of a crown on their head. At times, hair loss may even lead to lack of confidence in one’s social and professional life. If you are also facing the same situation, it is high time that you opt for a right clinic to control this loss before your head goes completely hair less. Profile Clinic takes a dig at this serious problem, and suggests you the right solution right here.

How hair loss turns to baldness?

Usually,losing around 120 hairs a day is normal, but if you are observing hair every now and then, for example while bathing, combing, using towel, or applying hair oil, etc., beware, because the condition has become serious now. If you are facing any such hassles, here are some of the reasons that may turn you bald in the coming times:

  • Accidental trauma, or chemical injuries.
  • Hypothyroidism.
  • Any genetic disorder.
  • Diseases like TB, herpes, leprosy, which are infectious in nature.
  • Several diseases, like DLE, Lichen Planers and more.


We care to abide by scientifically structured approach for hair loss treatment. Here are few tests that we perform in order to detect the severity of the problem:

  • Blood tests to find out the possibility of hyperthyroidism.
  • Pull test helps to identify the extent of hair loss.
  • Scalp biopsy is effective in finding out any infection on the scalp skin.
  • Test hair shaft by using light microscopy, a tool to check the base of the hair.

Depending the outcomes of these tests, our expert Plastic Surgeons decide whether to perform a Surgical or Non-surgical treatments hair loss treatment in men and women.

  • Non-Surgical treatment: This option is best if the hair loss is still within control, or the patient does not want to go under the knife. Several methods like Mesotherapy, hair extensions, hair growth serums and hair pieces are ideal in this context.
  • Surgical treatment: In case of bald patches or serious hair fall problems, surgical methods like FUT or FUE are the recommended ones.

While you opt for them from Profile clinic, our Plastic Surgeons will ensure that you get completely natural results at minimum recovery time.

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