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Liquid Face Lift

Liquid Face Lift

With aging the face begins to loose natural collagen and elasticity which leads to loose sagging skin. The problem continues until wrinkles and fine lines starts to appear.

Fortunately, there is a safe non-invasive procedure capable of treating this issue. A Liquid Facelift is a technique effective enough to tight sagging skin, the treatment includes injectables such as BOTOX, Dysport, Xeomin, along with various dermal fillers that all together makes an effective nonsurgical Liquid Facelift procedure. The procedure allows the cosmetic surgeon to alter, sculpt and contour your face to give you a younger appearance without any incision.

A non-surgical Liquid Face Lift can be undertaken to accomplish any of the following

  • Reduce lines, wrinkles, folds, and creases.
  • Hide or eliminate bumps on the nose.
  • Removal of eye bags, dark under eye circles, and sunkenness  under the eyes.
  • Help you look more rested.
  • Add volume to flattened cheeks or temples.
  • Create fuller lips.
  • Help you look younger.

Liquid Facelift is the best solution for those who want to avoid the knife. You cannot stop the ageing process but this procedure allows to you delay its effects. To have more information about it or want to discuss with us about your facial issues with one of our cosmetic surgeons, book your appointment today and experience how professionals work

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