Buttocks Liposuction

Buttocks Liposuction

Every woman loves to have a toned figure and buttocks are important part of it. A less fat and shaped butt is not only a sign of healthy body but also feature we all desire the most. As any other liposuction procedure our cosmetic surgeons work hard and smart to give right shape and proportion to your buttocks. Many women face problems incorporated to the buttocks fullness or excess butt fat, this issue can give birth to lack of confidence, discomfort while wearing skirts and swimwear. Liposuction can reduce the volume of fat stored in the hips and bring them to the right proportion with the rest of the body. This not only enables women to wear jeans, skirts, shorts but also brings back the level of confidence that sparkles in their eyes.

Just as other liposuction procedures our surgeons keep the incisions as minimal as possible. The patient is not knocked out but given local aesthetic which leads to the faster healing and complete comfort throughout the procedure.

The good candidate for buttock surgery is the one with large buttock size & with high amount of fat stored in them as compared to the other parts of the body. During buttock liposuction the doctor removes the fatty cells simultaneously altering the round shape of the butt and makes it appear perfect natural. In some cases doctor may also suggest you to go through thighs and flanks liposuction in order to match the muscle density of buttocks.

Through the entire procedure our doctors and cosmetic surgeons will consider some medical factors related to you such as skin elasticity, amount of fat, your expectations and other medical tests. These aspects help the doctor to achieve your aesthetic goals. Book your consultancy today and know how we can help you.

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