What does botox do? Everything you need to know about botox procedure?

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What does botox do? Everything you need to know about botox procedure?

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    You must have seen people talking about a sharp jawline. Well! This is true it does change the entire facial structure and give the appearance of a healthy look. We are living in the world of digital media and everyone seems to be spending their time & money on improving their facial appearance. No doubt, we all are perfect the way we look, but having a youthful and healthy look doesn’t hurt, especially when we want to reduce the signs of aging.

    What is botox?

    Botox is also referred to as botulinum toxin which is used cosmetically to paralyze the facial muscles. For the jawline, neurotoxins are used in the masseter muscle, which is the muscle that helps us to chew and when you clench the teeth you can feel a deep prominence. If someone has the habit of grinding their teeth at night, then these muscles are extremely tight.

    The botox injection in this area will make the masseter muscle weak. In terms of cosmetic appearance, it helps in making the muscle slim and narrow down the lower part of your face & gives you the sleek look you want.

    How can it be beneficial for other areas?

    Non-invasive procedures are available in abundance and they can benefit our face. Through this, the jaw and lower face will get a slim look. Your cosmetic surgeon will suggest you a dream filler option, to build up the jaw bone and chin which helps in creating the sculpted & chiseled looks. In all, it will give you that crisp jawline and chin which you always wanted.

    Moreover, there are many fillers out there that can last for 2 years. In such cases, the cosmetic doctor will use multiple syringes which improves your overall appearance.

    How can I solve my double-chin problem?

    Even in the case of double-chin, it can be worked effectively. The excess fat area is addressed with ease and it will give you the sleek look you always wanted. Without any worries, you can click amazing selfies, without bothering about the double-chin or how your jawline looks. Although, you need to undergo multiple sessions to achieve that perfect look. Depending on your condition and how much the problem needs to be addressed, the doctor will tell you how many sessions you need to go through. Results are permanent and effective, but make sure that you keep your patience.

    What should I do?

    If you want to change the facial contour the way it looks, then you need to only and only trust the board-certified plastic surgeon. No matter which option you want to get, do not compromise on this step and always look for someone who is experienced and trained enough to give you the best results.

    If you are looking for someone then consult our plastic surgeon who has been performing various cosmetic procedures for many years. His expertise and skills have helped various patients to get a flawless look and appearance. Book your consultation to know more.

    About The Author

    Dr Vikas Gupta