What happens in the initial consultation with the hair transplant surgeon?

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What happens in the initial consultation with the hair transplant surgeon?

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    Before becoming 100% sure of whether you should go for a hair transplant or not, you need to consult professionals. The first consultation or meeting with the doctor done regarding clearance of the doubts is known as the Initial consultation. Hair transplant in Punjab is a procedure that has so many hidden aspects. One can only come to know about them when consulted with a professional.

    Usually, people think of initial consultation as the “Meeting To Discuss the Cost of Treatment Package”. But no! Do not get yourself acquainted with the false information.

    Then What is it?

    The discussion of the hair transplant cost surely takes place. But that is one of the inclusions of the entire “INITIAL CONSULTATION”.

    Which things are discussed in ‘Initial Consultation’?

    • Random Things (To make you feel comfortable)

    It is human nature that we do not find a visit to a doctor to be a pleasurable one. We often tend to get nervous. And because of that, to forget the important details is quite obvious. The doctors do not want such things to happen as these will create obstacles in framing the right treatment plan.

    So the primary motive of the doctor is to make the patient feel comfortable. And when he does, then the discussion regarding relevant and treatment-related things takes place.

    • Physical Examination of the Hair loss

    To commence with the relevant talks, the doctor will first of all have a glance at the bald region. With this, the doctor will come to know about the category of hair loss and the cause of its origin.

    • Current Medical Condition

    Your current medical condition matters a lot, as this helps the doctor to find out whether

    • Is the hair transplant procedure right for you?
    • Will you be able to meet the desired results?


    Whenever you are visiting the doctor for the initial consultation, be very sure to bring your medical reports.

    • Communication over the hair loss concept

    The doctor will ask the following questions:

    • For how long have you been losing your hair?
    • How much hair did you lose at the beginning of hair loss?
    • Did you show up to any dermatologist or hair-care professional?
    • Are you taking any kind of prescribed or non-prescribed medications?
    • Which shampoo do you usually use to wash your hair?
    • Which hair care routine do you follow?
    • Why didn’t you visit us before?
    • What do you expect from us?

    Be very prepared to answer these questions.

    • Other diagnosis tests

    To have a detailed idea of the condition of the hair loss condition, the doctor might suggest the patient undergo some of the tests.

    • Discussion of the Treatment plan

    In the end, the results of the tests are obtained and all the factors have been taken into account, the doctor will frame an individualized treatment plan and will quote the eventual cost.

    Final Comments!

    The initial consultation is crucial for both the patient and the doctor to be comfortable with each other. Also, this first meeting is indispensable for discussing the vital aspects of the treatment.

    About The Author

    Dr Vikas Gupta