Is It Safe To Undergo Fat Freezing Or Cryolipolysis?

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Is It Safe To Undergo Fat Freezing Or Cryolipolysis?

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    Cryolipolysis: A perfectly safe procedure for the people

    Indian cosmetic industry is undergoing a revolution of all sorts with men and women spending large amount of money to appear smart and beautiful. They are lapping not only new products but also technologies to get perfect body shape and none better than cryolipolysis can help in the endeavor. This fat freezing treatment has gained attraction all over the world, however, some quarters expressed apprehension regarding the safety of the procedure. Therefore, to curb such misnomers, let us set the record straight with the treatment.

     What is Cryolipolysis?

    The treatment of Cryolipolysis or cool sculpting deploys applicators of different sizes depending on the area of the body that is affected. They are attached to the hose in order to decrease the temperature. The device used to shrink the fat comprises dual panels with 3000 sensors. Thereafter, it is vital to apply the Cool sculpting device to the region with the help of electrical power.


    The body region between the panels becomes cold after a certain period and the individuals may feel stinging and cramping, but it goes away as the area becomes numb. The supervisor conducting the process ensures that the patients get relaxed and settled. Once they feel at home, Cryolipolysis becomes a breeze for the users.

    After the completion of the session, the machine is removed while the specialist massages the affected area. Initially, the area might appear tender and full of cramp sensations, nevertheless, with persistent massage, they disappear. Once the area normalizes, people can carry out the normal activities. Since the whole process is non invasive, cryolipolysis does not cause any injury to the patients.

    Is fat freezing safe?

    If an expert surgeon is performing the activity, it is perfectly safe for the individuals. No incision is made while not a single organ is damaged during therapy. The device only sucks up a small fat of the body with no chances of destroying the muscle tissues.



    How did the rare injuries occur?

    Injuries are rare but they occur only in cases when the procedure is performed in run down beauty clinics without taking the medical history into account. You can play safe by contacting the reputed plastic surgeon in your area. They have the wherewithal and skill sets to accomplish the task according to the requirements of the patients.

    Preparation for the Procedure:

    Patients should have spare time for the process because each area requires one hour of treatment. Wearing comfortable clothes with warm foot fear will do a whirl of good because the individual may feel cold during therapy.

    You can bring a book to read or music to listen for longer sessions.

    Advantages of Cryolipolysis:

    • Fat freezing is devoid of cutting and anesthetic treatment of the body; hence, it cannot cause any side effect.
    • The turnaround time is extremely short compared to the surgery techniques such as liposuction.
    • One of the biggest advantages is that the fat cells, which are frozen out of the affected part never return to the same region. Hence once the fat alongside belly is removed, you can have an attractive figure for the whole lifetime.

    To sum up, Cryolipolysis is ideal for people who cannot be operated using liposuction option. It is a non surgical alternative popular among majority of people nevertheless make sure that the whole process is performed under the expert supervision of skin specialist. It would reduce probably of side effects and injuries. If you are still on a searching spree to look out for the best center to perform this treatment, then Profile Cosmetic surgery is worth considering.

    About The Author

    Dr Vikas Gupta