Which precautions are to be followed before the hair transplant procedure?

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Which precautions are to be followed before the hair transplant procedure?

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    Hair transplant in Punjab is one of the minimally invasive cosmetic procedures which has emerged as a boon for hair loss patients. But doctors are not solely responsible for the success of the surgery. The patient also has to give his 100% by following the precautionary measures before and after the surgical procedure. The hair transplant cost does not involve the money only, it rather includes the painstaking efforts and the patience as well.

    Precautionary Measures to follow before the hair transplant procedure:

    The period before the hair transplant procedure is considered very critical as the patient has to get ready for the procedure by following the instructed measures. 90% of the preparation will be done if you learn to avoid some things.

    No alcohol, for sure

    Alcohol is something that is known for causing a disturbance in blood flow. If an individual is addicted to alcohol, then he cannot expect to have a head full of hair from the hair transplant procedure.

    It is to be noted here, that the alcohol should not only be avoided when the patient is preparing for the procedure but if the patient wishes to enjoy the results or long term, then the alcohol should be avoided completely.

    Do not intake either the prescribed or the non-prescribed medications

    The patient should neither intake the prescribed medications nor the non-prescribed medications before the procedure. Intake of certain medications leads to the thinning of the blood. If the blood becomes excessively thin, then the patient will suffer from great blood loss during the surgery.

    Usually, the anti-inflammatory and the various pain-relieving medications are accountable for thinning the blood. So no matter what happens, you should always and always avoid these.

    No smoking, please! Please!

    Smoking is accountable for the following:

    • Making the blood vessels immensely narrowed
    • Reduction of the blood flow

    As we all must have known that the oxygen storing capacity of blood in case of the smokers is quintessentially low, which leads to poor recovery.

    Make Sure that you have told your doctor everything!

    You are required to be honest with your doctor and have to make sure that you have told everything to the doctor. You have to tell all the below mentioned things to the doctor:

    • Allergies
    • Blood clotting disorders
    • Sleep disorders
    • Asthma
    • High Blood Pressure
    • Respiratory Problems
    • Diabetes
    • Psoriasis
    • History of Keloids

    Do not shave your hair before coming

    You are not required to shave your hair before undergoing the procedure.

    Important pieces of advice

    • FUE

    For those who are undergoing the FUE procedure, the clinician shaves the hair in the morning.

    • FUT

    To make sure that the strands of the donor area can get well concealed, the patient should not consider cutting these for at least two weeks before the procedure.

    Bottom Line

    This is a little piece of the information which is presented just as an overview concerning, “Precautionary measures to follow before hair transplant”. If you want more detailed information on this topic, then please let us know. We shall be very happy to publish the blogs as per your interest.

    About The Author

    Dr Vikas Gupta