How to stop bleeding after the hair transplant surgery?

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How to stop bleeding after the hair transplant surgery?

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    Hair transplant is an elixir for all those struggling with poor hair health in terms of hair thinning & baldness. Before getting to this option most individuals try to waste the time & money on temporary hair restoration options. This all happens because of not being informative or knowing how hair transplant surgery works.

    From knowing about which hair transplant treatment will work for you to knowing about the Hair Transplant Cost in Ludhiana, everything is possible when the surgeon’s expertise is with you. Additionally, the doctor will ensure to keep you well-informed on when to get the necessary checkup and what are the ways to manage the after-are regime.

    Advanced & improved hair restoration treatment

    The hair transplant is one of the latest Cosmetic Surgery in Punjab which includes the FUE & FUT method. No doubt, both methods work the best and it includes transplanting hair grafts from one part of the scalp to another. In case enough grafts are not there then they will be taken from other body parts like the chest, beard, or other body parts. This thing is only evaluated when the initial consultation is done by the doctor. Additionally, the total number of graft requirements will also be known after the surgery.

    Is there bleeding after the surgery?

    Usually, the bleeding is not there following surgery. Although, during hair graft collection the bleeding can be there on the donor site. Bear in mind, it only happens for that time as the process is being carried out. As you go down the road to recovery, the problem will get better.

    Is bleeding permanent or temporary?

    Bleeding is just temporary as your scalp begins to heal this phase will pass by. In case, you have excessive bleeding then better seek medical assistance on time. 

    What are the necessary tips to reduce excessive bleeding?

    If you are worried about bleeding, then keep these measures in mind to prevent the situation:

    • You should never pick up on the scabs because by doing so you are affecting the natural process of recovery.
    • You mustn’t get yourself involved in a strenuous work regime as it leads to sweating which means irritation and then chances of bleeding getting severe.
    • Let that swelling get down by running ice on the forehead. You should never apply ice directly on the transplanted grafts.

    MOST IMPORTANT: ALWAYS follow all the instructions given by your hair restoration surgeon to make the journey go with ease. Be it any medications or necessary suggestions doing things the way they suggest you will reduce the chances of having any sort of before, during, or after the surgery.

    Would you like to take the benefit of hair transplant surgery?

    Get yourself a customized treatment approach to make the hair transplant journey worth every penny & get the best of results. Make sure to speak to the doctor about whatever concern you have in your mind. It’s better to talk and be aware rather than thinking in silence, ‘What should I do?’

    About The Author

    Dr Vikas Gupta