Is it possible the hair transplantation results cannot be successful?

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Is it possible the hair transplantation results cannot be successful?

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    Reasons Behind Failed Hair Transplantation:

    Patients often wonder whether hair transplantation can fail. Well, the failure of hair transplant is rare, especially when the surgeon and patient have discussed the treatment from start to end. Understanding the risk factors is important as every patient is different from others.

     What are the common reasons for failure?

    The most common reason is the follicular unit grafts are desiccated. This happens when the graft is outside the body for a long time when it is taken from the donor area. This is the reason the experienced surgeon must have nurses and surgical assistance to ensure that the follicular grafts are viable when they are transplanted to the problematic area.

    If the hair transplant fails then determining the reason is critical. Once you find the reason here’s what you should do to address the problem in the right manner.

    What to do when the hair transplant fails?

    • No one wants to end up in such a situation after spending soo much time. The patient who undergoes the treatment wants to get the issue of hair loss or hair thinning. Even your hair transplant surgeon does not want to wish to give you failed results. When you choose the best and competent surgeon they invest a great time of deal and energy in planning the treatment to minimize the risk to the greatest degree.
    • In some cases, the health conditions might have caused this issue. However, in the initial consultation, the surgeon will discuss the adverse issues if the patient is facing a health issue.

    Ideally, it is necessary to go with the skilled and reputable surgeon to determine the problem in the right way from the start so that so issue occurs. Also, if there is any problem they will correct the issue once and for all. The skilled surgeon will ensure the future procedure is successful and you will get permanent results.

    How to look for the best surgeon to correct the results?

    • It is quite obvious to understand why the patient can hesitate to visit the hair transplant clinic once the procedure has failed or not given the desired results. You need to choose a surgeon who has access to the latest and advanced technology, as well as they are well-aware of the innovative hair transplantation procedures.
    • There are few methods available to correct the bad hair transplantation so choose the skilled doctor and they have a proper success record of correcting the issues.
    • A good doctor will inform you about the successful corrective procedure and make the treatment plan which will address your problem correctly.

    So, make sure you spend a great amount of time to look for the potential surgeon who will craft a new hairline that looks natural and helps to restore the patient’s confidence.


    About The Author

    Dr Vikas Gupta