Everything you should be knowing about vitiligo and its treatment in Punjab

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Everything you should be knowing about vitiligo and its treatment in Punjab

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    When the melanocytes in the skin get dead, then the patches of the vitiligo come into existence. The person who suffers from vitiligo does not only feel low in self-esteem but also faces a lot of social challenges. Because society never stops pointing you out for your flaws. But no sooner the vitiligo treatment in Punjab came to the origin than the vitiligo patients became hopeful that they could get rid of those patches.

    • What should you know about the vitiligo treatment?

    Vitiligo can affect any person irrespective of his age, gender and race.

    The patches of the vitiligo never go on their own.

    Its cause has not been detected yet. But according to the studies it can be encountered owing to the disorder in the autoimmune system or if one is afflicted with any kind of virus.

    • Which regions of the body can be affected by this?

    Vitiligo can affect any of the following regions of the body:

    • Eye
    • Inside the mouth
    • Cheeks
    • Hands
    • Legs
    • Arms
    • Belly
    • Foot

    It is relevant to mention here that vitiligo can affect any part of the body. So do not take the above-mentioned regions as the only regions which can be affected by this.

    • Why do our cosmetic surgeons suggest the use of sunscreen to the vitiligo affected patients?

    The areas affected by vitiligo are very sensitive and if they are exposed to the harmful rays of the skin, they can get burnt. But it is advised that you should not be using any sunscreen until it is suggested by the doctor.

    • How can phototherapy help?

    Phototherapy is the treatment option that is customarily used. If this treatment is to be carried out at home then the regular use of the small lamp will be considered.

    But if you want to take this treatment in the hospital or clinic, then you will have to attend at least 2 to 3 sessions.

    Although the results of the treatment cannot be guaranteed since there has been no advent of the treatment that can help you to repigment the skin. bUt still, the success rate of UVB phototherapy is very high.

    • What is skin camouflage and when should it be used?

    Skin camouflage is a technique that can only be used in case of mild vitiligo. You can choose the makeup that matches your skin tone and it may last up to 14 to 18 hours based on your care.

    • How is depigmentation helpful?

    Depigmentation can be helpful if the vitiligo has affected your body considerably and there are only a few regions that are not affected by it. In this situation, the colour of the regions which are not affected can be treated to match the colour of the vitiligo affected areas.

    So the doctors carry out the procedure by taking into account the strong chemicals.


    If you are bothered by the problem of vitiligo, ten please consult. We are recognized for the individualized treatment plan for each of our patients. Besides, the unmatchable skills, experience and qualifications of our dermatologist help you to get rid of it.

    About The Author

    Dr Vikas Gupta