Things You Should Do And Not Do After Your Hair Transplant Surgery

Home > Things You Should Do And Not Do After Your Hair Transplant Surgery

Things You Should Do And Not Do After Your Hair Transplant Surgery

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    If you want to achieve the best result from your hair transplant surgery. It is not only necessary for you to focus on the actual procedure. It would be best if you equally focused on aftercare and recovery. They play an essential role in making your Hair Transplant in Ludhiana successful.

    In case you neglect all the recovery guidelines, good chances are you are going to get a disastrous result.

    Remember that your newly implanted grafts are fragile, requiring some time to cement themselves in the affected location, along with some extra care.

    It is your duty to follow the dos and don’ts that the Hair Clinic in Punjab gave you. It is not a choice to follow the instruction. Instead, it is a requirement for a natural outcome.

    In this blog, we will highlight vital factors that you should follow or not after your hair transplant surgery.

    Dos Post Hair Transplant Surgery

    These are certain things that you should be mindful of if you want to achieve the best-sorted hair growth.

    1. You must sleep with your head elevated for the first seven days. This technique will help you keep the swelling in check and also stops the suffocation of the transplanted follicles. Normally. The inflammation lasts only for 2 to 3 days or, in some cases, for a week.

    2. You should take the prescribed medications in order to tackle the inflammation and ache. Generally, the doctor would prescribe you an antibiotic. If you do not struggle, take them whenever required.

    1. You should apply ice packs around the affected region on the forehead and above the eyebrow. This process will alleviate the swelling. The first 2 to 3 days are crucial times.

    1. After the hair transplant surgery, after getting a thumbs up from the doctor, wash your hair very gently without vigorously scratching it. This will shield the newly implanted hair follicles. Using a mug to rinse your hair would be best instead of standing directly under the shower.

    1. You should keep yourself hydrated at all times after the surgery. This process will help you with the recovery, keep you healthy throughout the healing time and also maintain the moisturizer of your skin.

    Don’ts Post Hair Transplant Surgery

    It is easier to follow the dos, but you should be equally mindful of the don’ts.

    1. Try to avoid sleeping directly facing sidewards or on your tummy. These positions can damage or squish the newly implanted hair follicles, hence restricting their vitality.

    1. You should not put ice packs directly on the affected or surgical area (including both donor and recipient site). If you do not follow this rule, it could damage the hair follicles. Apart from that, touching the hair transplanted area frequently can also butcher up the whole setting resulting in a choppy appearance.

    1. If you notice scabs on your treated site, prevent yourself from touching it and talk about it with your doctor. You will get a common urge to scratch or itch the scab, but you need to be strong enough to avoid it at any cost.

    About The Author

    Dr Vikas Gupta