What is a Hair transplant and explain the cost & recovery tips of hair transplantation?

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What is a Hair transplant and explain the cost & recovery tips of hair transplantation?

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    What is a hair transplant?

    Cost & recovery tips of hair transplantation Punjab: Hair transplant is the surgical treatment, which offers you permanent relief from hair fall. 

    Well, first of all, you need to understand the types of hair transplant in Punjab have two types:

    FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation): This method is additionally known as the strip harvesting method, in which your surgeon collects the strip of hair from the donor area to transplant to the affected area. Well, you may not know that this method results in scarring at the donor site. And this is a traditional method, also cost you less as compared to the FUE treatment option.

    FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction): This is an advanced method that gives you completely effective results. In this method, your surgeon collects the single hair graft from the back of the head, but if you do not have enough hair growth at the back of the scalp, then he may collect hair from other body parts. In addition to this, this method does not result in scarring.

    Millions of people get hair transplantation in Punjab because Punjab is the medical hub, where you can find the right treatment from well-experienced surgeons. You may not know that several NRIs take this hair transplant treatment in Punjab because of effective results. 

    What is the cost of a hair transplant surgery?

    Well, the cost of hair transplant surgery depends on several components. Let’s try to understand the factors that influence the cost of hair transplantation.

    The reputation of the surgeon

    This is the main factor that influences the cost of hair transplantation, if you choose the most reputable surgeon, then you may need to pay a little more as compared to others. But, if you go with a cheap surgeon, then you will get this treatment at a low cost, but he does not guarantee you with effective results.

    The number of hair grafts

    Well, this is another necessary factor that influences the cost of hair transplantation. You need to talk to the doctor and get knowledge about the number of hair grafts you need.

    Type of hair transplantation

    As we stated above, FUE is a little expensive as compared to the FUT hair transplant method. So the cost of hair transplant depends on the method you choose.

    Recovery tips of hair transplantation

    • First of all, you have to follow all the instructions of your surgeon, so that you can recover too fast.

    • Make sure you avoid going outside in the direct sunlight.

    • You must stick to a healthy and balanced diet because it will give you the strength to heal faster.

    • You have to wait for at least 6 months to get the fuller hair growth.

    About The Author

    Dr Vikas Gupta